Rockhard TABLE TOP Urethane VARNISH UPS Ground Only
Click link for Product Data Rockhard™ TABLE TOP Urethane VARNISH (Gloss & Satin)
Rockhard™ Table Top Urethane Varnish is the coating of choice when you want a hard finish that will deliver maximum resistance to water, alcohol, food stains, chemicals, detergents, and other damaging liquids. Its toughness also makes Rockhard suitable for many other uses like wooden chairs, benches, desks, dressers, chests of drawers, vanities, bookcases, and many more.
REDUCER & for Cleaning Brushes or tools use Mineral Spirits.
Click above for Application Information SALAD BOWL FINISH Clear Click For: Printer Friendly Application Information / Data Sheet
 Mohawk, Behlen Salad Bowl Finish is specially formulated to allow the following statement. "This product contains FDA regulated ingredients complying with 21 CFR 175.300." and therefore achieves a non-toxic, safe for food contact (in its cured state) finish. Salad Bowl Finish has the application ease of an oil finish (use a clean white cloth) and the film building and sheen producing (up to a satin) qualities of a varnish. Wooden bowls, wooden utensils, butcher block counters when finished with Salad Bowl Finish may be used in contact with foods.
Child safe for use on toys, recreational objects (games, puzzles), and infant furniture.
(NOT intended for use on cutting boards or chopping blocks)
HIGH PERFORMANCE Waterborne Interior Polyurethane Topcoat
Click Above for Data & Application Information HIGH-PERFORMANCE™ Interior Top Coat

"High-Performance™ Interior Top Coat was voted as the hardest, most durable consumer polyurethane top coat."
Winner of Fine Woodworking's 'Best Overall' Choice Award.
Application: Brush, Roller, or Spray
High-Performance Top Coat contains a UV Stabilizer to retard finish breakdown in sunlight. With its pure polyurethane durability, this is a most durable product.
Color: Water White (Dries CLEAR). Note: Water topcoats can pull tannin, stains, and dyes from surfaces that are not properly prepared.
Arm-R-Seal Oil Based Urethane Topcoat
Click Above for Data & Application Information ARM-R-SEAL Oil Based Urethane Interior Topcoat

Arm-R-Seal topcoats are made with only the highest quality urethane resins, making them extremely hard, durable, and long lasting.
Traditional Warm Amber Tone.
Application: Brush, Roller, or Spray.
Available Sheens: Gloss, Semi-Gloss, Satin
Coverage: Quart, 100 Sq. Ft. -- Gallon, 400 Sq. Ft.
Click above for Label Text & Product Data POUR-N-WIPE FINISH (M603-3016) / Behlen Master Gel (B550-30016)
A (solvent / oil based) top coat for bare, dyed or stained wood. • Unique gel form • Easy-to-apply • No mess, no brush marks • Pour-N-Wipe® Finish is self sealing • Excellent as a wood turning finish. Pour-N-Wipe is self-sealing (no sealer coat is required) and virtually colorless when dry. Imparts a lustrous satin urethane finish to wood, protecting against water and alcohol staining. Clean up: Mineral Spirit. Pour-N-Wipe is durable enough for use on hardwood floors, bar and table tops. Pour-N-Wipe Finish can be applied with a lint free cloth. Dries overnight. Allow to dry 4 hours prior to re-coating.
For Best Results: The work area, surface being finished, Pour-N-Wipe should be above 60°f Maintain 60 degrees throughout the dry time of the coats. Colder temperature can affect flow and dry times.
FNISH UP Polyurethane
Click above for Data & Application Information FNISH-UP™ Wipe-On Polyurethane (Waterborne Wipe On)
Finish Up is a waterborne (WATER CLEAR) user friendly wipe on finish. Mohawk Finish-Up™ Polyurethane can be applied over repairs such as Burn-Ins, Fil-Stik® Putty Stick fills, Blendal® Powders and Touch Up Markers to seal in the repair, leaving a durable protective finish. Apply over properly cleaned existing finishes to improve appearance and durability. Finish-Up™ Polyurethane adheres well to most types of lacquers, vinyl clads, and high pressure laminates as well as many other substrates. Best of all, it is water based and has almost no odor. The almost no odor feature makes Finish-Up™ Polyurethane the product of choice where aerosols and other solvent based touch up finishes are not appropriate. • Low VOC 380 g/l • Easy Wipe On application • Quick Drying • Good Flow characteristics • Good Durability • Moisture & Alcohol Resistant • Water Clear • Excellent Adhesion • Won't Lift other finishes • Nonflammable
 The classic traditional filler for French polishing pads. The 'waste' comes from the cotton yarn left-over ends of loom warp threads.
An excellent filler to make French Polishing pads with our Trace cloth / French polishing cloth.
Click above for Data & Application Information LACOVER PADDING FINISH
For spot color repair and refinishing. The most widely used “French Polish” padding finish in the world. Specially formulated for use with Mohawk Blendal® Powder Stains. Compatible with most known finishes. In one operation, the stain and finish can be replaced on worn or bare spots. Available in two solids #30 and #50. Use the #30 Solids when a minimum build is desired. The higher the solids #50, takes less time to build a finish and complete the job.
Also recommended for leather and vinyl. “Highlight” effects can be created on wood, leather or vinyl materials with this method Lacover® Padding Finish imparts new life to leather, prevents cracking and drying out.
Oil Based SEAL-A-CELL (Clear)
Click Above for Data & Application Information Oil Based SEAL-A-CELL (Clear)
A time-tested formulation of oils, urethane, and waxes; Seal-A-Cell for decades has served craftsman as the best way to get that "natural" look on beautiful woods that aren't to be stained. The oils penetrate deep within the wood to highlight the warm natural look and the urethane ensures a deep hardness. For a gloss finish follow with multiple coats of Arm-R-Seal topcoat. Seal-A-Cell can be wiped on or applied with a natural bristle or foam brush. Use as a wood conditioner; to control penetration of stains, to dilute other stains, and as a base to add universal tints to achieve custom colors. Seal-a-Cell has a very slight ambering quality, the least of GF's oil based sealers.
Click above for Data & Application Information DANISH FINISHING OIL
Danish Oil Finish is formulated and recommended for use on Teak wood,
Monkeypod, Zebrawood, Rosewoods and other similar hard dense woods. Danish Oil penetrates the wood and dries hard unlike linseed oil and most other finishing oils which become tacky when exposed to heat. This polymerized wood finish, combines penetrating oils with resins to produce a natural oil finish on unfinished wood. One application seals and finishes wood. Never gums up in warm temperatures. Will not print and is non-greasy. Water spots, stains, burns and scratches are easily removed by buffing with 4/0 steel wool and Danish Oil.
Avoid Spontaneous Combustion - Dispose of rags properly.
More Info: Click Above SHELLAC & VARNISHER'S Brushes
A Single Fill brush, Only (1/4 - 5/16 in) thick. Classic glider design, ideal for Shellac & Varnish. The Lily brush will yield a thin, uniform application of shellac or varnish. This brush is ideal for shellac, varnish, and faux finishing of woodwork and furniture. Pictured Sizes 20 - 80 mm - Note: The 70 mm works in a Quart Can.

Genuine OMEGA, made in Italy.
ENDURO-VAR Water Borne Urethane Varnish
Click Above for Data & Application Information ENDURO-VAR Water Borne Urethane Varnish
GENERAL FINISHES Enduro-Var is a self-cross-linking polyurethane that looks more like an oil varnish than a water coating.
Enduro-Var is durable is a sprayable and brushable slightly amber varnish suitable for INTERIOR residential projects such as cabinets and millwork.
Enduro-Var ADHERES WELL only over Water Stains, Water Dyes, and Raw Wood. Use Enduro-Var over other surfaces at your own risk. It will adhere over an oil stain, ONLY IF the stain is completely dry (minimum 4 days drying).
Available Sheens: Gloss, Semi-Gloss, Satin, and Flatt - Application: BRUSH, ROLL, or SPRAY --------- Note: For High-Use Surfaces, General Finishes High-Performance Topcoat, Enduro Clear Poly, and, Arm-R-Seal Topcoats are recommended on high-use surfaces such as kitchen table tops, kitchen cabinets, or bath vanities.
Click Above for Data & Application Information Enduro ACCELERATOR for waterborne finishes
General Finishes Enduro Accelerator is an additive that shortens the dry time for water base wood finishes.
Use to accelerate drying of waterborne finishes in cool, humid and damp conditions.
Available: PINT (16 Oz) Bottle, and Gallon