Waxing Furniture & Fine Wood Finishes
Apply waxes Sparingly – a little wax goes a long way!
For all wax polishing, wait until all the solvent evaporates prior to buffing. Paste Waxes differ in composition. For ease of application waxes are blended with solvents to form a paste. Some waxes due to the formulation require longer times for the solvents to evaporate.
It is important to apply all paste waxes sparingly, in a THIN EVEN coat. This will assure even drying and yield an even sheen result when buffing (a thicker area of wax will dry slower, and those areas will not buff to as high a sheen).
If you buff too soon, the buffing is just redistributing and pushing the soft (uncured) wax around. I usually wait on furniture makers waxes for an hour and up to four hours before buffing.
Use a Soft 100% cotton cloth (free of any seams or stitching) for buffing. Old worn out 100% cotton t-shirts, linens, diapers and well used and laundered terry cloth will work well. The softer the buffing cloth, the higher the resulting sheen.
On older pieces of furniture, and other wood surfaces, it is important to clean the item first of any dirt, oils or accumulated grime. Residual oils, grime and some aerosol care products left on the surface can prevent the wax from drying properly and can lead to a splotchy uneven result. Maintain and protect the finish and waxed surface with another thin coat of wax as needed. For most wood furniture, a good wax layer is the best protection against moisture, dirt and abrasion.
Wax is the perfect protection for most fine furniture finishes. Avoid the use of all maintenance oils, aerosols, or care products containing silicones.
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WAX WASH / De-Waxer Wood & Finish CLEANER & WAX REMOVER is a specially formulated blend of solvents.
For best repair and rub-out results, first prepare and clean the surfaces with WAX WASH / De-Waxer to remove waxes, oil and other foreign material from bare woods, new finishes, and aged wood finishes.
Wax deposits that remain after the use of paint, lacquer, and varnish removers can be eliminated with use of WAX WASH / De-Waxer Available: Quart M712-1906 & Aerosol M107-0190
Please View or Print PDF: RENAISSANCE Wax-Polish information sheet RENAISSANCE WAX - Polish Protection for fine finishes and much more --
RENAISSANCE WAX (Ren Wax) provides a barrier against fingerprints and the devastation of water, wine, alcohol, and other spills.
Fine Paste Wax Polish for: Furniture, Carvings, Antiques, Metals, Porcelain, Pottery & Ceramics, Jewelry, & more.
Contains NO Silicone.
This is our favorite wax for furniture, leather, metal and stone.
Click Above for Additional information BOWLING ALLEY WAX
PASTE WAX for Wood, Polished Concrete, Stone and Leather Permakote, THE ORIGINAL, Bowling Alley Wax is formulated for heavy-duty protection and a high gloss finish for all wood and some composition and stone surfaces. Used in a routine maintenance program Bowling Alley Wax forms a tough film which will prevent damage to expensive wood surfaces from scratching, dirt penetration, and soil or water stains. Bowling Alley Wax also effectively protects cork, linoleum, terrazzo, marble and ceramic tile surfaces. Bowling Alley Wax is an effective coating and protection on metal and fiberglass surfaces, and for use as a release agent in molding or casting application.
A favorite of wood crafters and custom furniture builders for over 50 Years.
Click above for Label Text BLUE LABEL PASTE WAX
BLUE LABEL is a fine blend of waxes and pure spirits of gum turpentine that establishes and restores a sheen to all wood surfaces while providing a protective finish at the same time.
Easy to apply and buff, Blue Label's carnauba wax blend minimizes scratches and gives a rich luster when buffed by hand or machine. One Pound Tin - For a clear wax we recommend Perma Bowling Wax
Aerosol, BEE'S WAX POLISH UPS Ground Only
BEE'S WAX POLISH (Aerosol) Old world formula Bee's Wax Polish in an Aerosol Can.
 • Won't Fingerprint • Leaves No Wax Build Up … Ever • Makes Granite And Marble Acid Resistant • Needs No Buffing • Enhances The Natural Beauty of ALL Wood
Spray Sparingly, directly on the surface. Spread and wipe using only paper towels or cotton cloths. DO NOT USE microfiber cloths.
Note: DO NOT USE on FLOORS of tile, linoleum, wood and tub or shower floors.
Click link above for More Info OZ CREAM POLISH CLEANS, PROTECTS AND POLISHES all enameled, varnished and lacquered wood or metal surfaces, leather, linoleum, tile, glass, porcelain. Excellent For: Furniture, Pianos, Woodwork, All Kitchen Appliances, Venetian Blinds, Bathroom Fixtures,Windows, Mirrors. (Not for use on oil or wax finishes.)
See More Info, Click Above PRE-LIM SURFACE CLEANER Pre-Lim i s a gentle abrasive paste, for non-scratch, cleaning of metals and many other sensitive and fine-art surfaces.
Pre-Lim is widely used in the professional restoration of fire-arms, armour, sculpture, brass and copper exhibition cookware, ceramics and automotive paintwork.
200Ml (7 oz Tin) View & Printer Friendly: PRE-LIM Product Description
VULPEX, Non-Foaming, Acid-Free, Germicidal CLEANER
Click above for Instructions Click Here to: Print or View VULPEX Instruction Sheet VULPEX CLEANER Liquid Soap
Vulpex is a safe cleaner for leather, furniture, carpets, oil paintings, armour, precious metals, shell, marble, feathers, costumery, and stone. Vulpex rinses away completely. Not harmful to health or property.
Since its introduction in 1970, its extraordinary versatility has made Vulpex a popular and indispensable medium in all branches of professional restoration and conservation of fine arts and historic items.
Vulpex is supplied as a concentrate & Must be mixed with water or Stoddard's solvent (or mineral spirit) prior to use.