GENERAL FINISHES High-Performance™ Interior Water Based Topcoat
Winner of Fine Woodworking's Best Overall Choice Award, High-Performance Topcoat was voted as the hardest, most durable consumer polyurethane topcoat.
Available: Pints, Quarts, Gallons, 5 Gallon pails (on order) Coverage: Quart, 150 Sq. Ft. -- Gallon, 600 Sq. Ft.
Water Based Sheens: Gloss, Semi-Gloss, Satin, Flat Product Formulation: NON Ambering Urethane / Acrylic Blend Incompatible Products: Linseed Oils & Danish Oils
Interior Applications ONLY Recommended Application: 3 coats Application by: Brush, Roller or Spray Spray Tip Sizes: HVLP .043-.051 Medium Air Cap
DRY TIMES - dependent on environmental, temperature, humidity & air flow Touch: 30 min. Recoat: 2 hrs. Before Light Use: 7-10 days Until Cured: 21 days
DURABILITY Durability (Highest, High, Medium, Low): High Hardness (Koeing): 59 Wear (Taber): 34.4 mg loss Water (5 max): 4 Chemical (105 max): 93
VOC: Low <155 g/L - High <171 g/L Viscosity: 50-60 sec
APPLICATOR CLEANUP: Warm, soapy water. For best results, clean all equipment with General Finishes Brush & Gun Cleaner.
DRY TIME AND CURE TIME: Light use (7-10 days), Regular use (21 days) under ideal conditions (70 degrees and 70% humidity). Good ventilation, air movement and higher temperatures will accelerate dry time. Cooler temperatures will slow cure time. Cure time is the amount of time needed for the finish on a piece to reach maximum hardness and be ready for normal use. This is different than "dry time." During the curing stage, treat your project with special care. Avoid placing heavy objects on it.
WARNING: TEST FOR COMPATIBILITY WHEN USING THIS PRODUCT WITH PRODUCTS FROM OTHER BRANDS. General Finishes products should be tested to your complete satisfaction before using. General Finishes will not be responsible for any failure if our products are used in conjunction with other brands of finishes. We do not test General Finishes products with those of another manufacturer and will not accept liability if there is a compatibility issue.
General Finishes High Performance Water Based Topcoat
Application Steps
Stir topcoat before and throughout the application process to reincorporate solids that have settled to the bottom of the can . If desired, thin with 10-15% distilled water or General Finishes Extender. Start by adding 5% in increments until you reach the desired consistency. Extender will improve flow and leveling and increase open time, which is helpful in dry climates. Apply 3 coats of High Performance. More coats will not improve durability. Hand application: Apply a liberal amount of product using an acrylic bristle brush, foam brush, pad applicator, or roller such as Whizz or AllPro Velour brand. Avoid pressure and excessive back brushing. Brush along the wood grain using smooth, even strokes with light lap marks. Let lap marks dry - they WILL tighten down. Spray application: Before spraying, strain topcoat through a fine-mesh filter. HVLP: 1.1mm-1.3mm spray tip, medium air cap. Verify tip sizes with your equipment supplier. See our general guide for spray tip sizes. Keep your gun at a 90* angle, 6-8" from the surface. On large, flat areas, use wet, even patterns 6-8" wide. For narrow surfaces, reduce the fan pattern to 2-3" wide to reduce overspray. Overlap each pass 25% to conceal lines. Wear a full filter respirator (NIOSH/MSHA-approved) and work in a ventilated space. Face frames and drawers on cabinets: High Performance can be successfully applied by hand to cabinet face frames or edges with a brush, pad or small, cabinet-specific roller such as Whizz or AllPro Velour brand. If a faster build is desired over raw wood, use General Finishes Sanding Sealer for the first coat, followed by 2 coats of High Performance Topcoat. Dry 2+ hours between coats in ideal conditions: 70*F 20*C; 50-70% humidity. Be sure to allow adequate dry time. You can tell if a water-based finish is dry if it forms a powder when lightly sanded with a fine-grade (220-320) foam sanding pad or 400-grit sandpaper. If in doubt, wait longer. Rushing the dry time can cause "blush," which is clouding in the finish due to moisture trapped between the layers. Increase dry time if: Humidity is over 80% 3+ coats are applied Thick coats are applied Applying over an existing sealed finish Applying over products from other brands Layering General Finishes water- and oil-based products: Water over oil: Let oil-based products dry 72+hr before applying water-based products Oil over water: Let water-based products dry 24+hr before applying oil-based products
To accelerate dry time in humid conditions, add General Finishes Accelerator and work in a space with good ventilation and air movement. If you decide to re-coat before the recommended time, test dryness. Finish sand between coats with a fine-grade (220-320) foam sanding pad or 400-grit sandpaper to improve smoothness and adhesion. Remove dust with a vacuum, oil-free tack cloth or clean water-dampened rag before re-coating.
Cure Time Water-based finishes cure and harden for full use after 21 days in ideal conditions. Avoid placing heavy objects on surfaces that have not completely cured. Treat gently, and do not clean with commercial products during the curing period.
Tips to prevent streaking during hand-application: See our video: How to Prevent Streaking with Water Based Topcoat
Use a semi-gloss or gloss sheen with little to no flatting agents. The more flatting agents, the more likely a topcoat will streak when applied. To avoid streaking with the flatter sheens, apply a liberal amount of product and avoid using pressure and back-brushing. Wipe along the wood grain using smooth, even strokes. For large surfaces, apply topcoat with a large applicator, such as a paint pad. Remove any streaks that occur by buffing with 400-grit sandpaper or fine-grade (220-320) sanding pad, or sanding well and re-coating. For the smoothest result, apply with a spray gun. Mixing Sheens: You mix can High Performance Topcoat sheens to adjust your sheen. For example, you can mix High Performace Flat and High Performance Gloss to obtain a different sheen.
Incompatible Products: Linseed Oils & Danish Oils