Jan 012012

Waxing Furniture & Fine Wood Finishes

Apply Sparingly – a little wax goes a long way!

For all wax polishing, wait until all the solvent evaporates prior to buffing.
Paste Waxes differ in composition; some blends require longer times for the solvent,
that makes for the ease of wax application, to evaporate.

It is important to apply all paste waxes sparingly, in a THIN EVEN coat.
This will assure even drying and yield an even sheen result when buffing
(a thicker area of wax will dry slower, and those areas will not buff
to as high a sheen).

If you buff too soon, the buffing is just pushing soft (uncured) wax around.
I usually wait (to allow the solvent to evaporate) on furniture makers waxes for an hour & up to 4 hours before buffing.
Use a Soft 100% cotton cloth (free of any seams or stitching) for buffing.
Old worn out 100% cotton t-shirts, linens, diapers and well used and laundered terry cloth will work well.
The softer the buffing cloth, the higher the resulting sheen.

On older pieces of furniture, and other wood surfaces, it is important to clean the item first of any dirt, oils or accumulated grime.
Residual oils, grime and some aerosol care products left on the surface can prevent the wax from drying properly and can lead to a splotchy uneven result.
Maintain and protect the waxed surface with another thin coat of wax as needed.

A good wax layer is the best protection from moisture, dirt and abrasion.
Avoid the use of all maintenance oils & silicone containing aerosols.

To: Paste Wax Polishes & care

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