May 142022

Getting the most from your Lacquer Finishes
When & Why To Use
Flash-Off™ Control Solvent & Lacquer Blush Retarder

Lacquer Retarder helps avoid Blushing  caused by Cold Humid Wet Weather
Lacquer retarder is used to help eliminate “blushing”, the white foggy look caused by HIGH humidity or rainy and cool/cold weather. This blush sometimes is only observed in areas where the build of the coating is thicker such as bull-nosed edges.
Blush retarder keeps the finish wet longer allowing the trapped moisture to escape the coating. Another advantage is an even flow of the lacquer.
To Eliminate
Peel & Over-Spray,

Use Flash-Off Control Solvent

  The Hot Weather Additive.
Blush Retarder Is Overused.
In cases of orange peel or overspray,
Flash-Off Control Solvent is the best choice to solve the problem.Flash-Off Control is used to improve the flow of lacquers and lacquer sealers without slowing the overall drying time.
The addition of a few ounces of Flash-Off Solvent per gallon of lacquer will solve orange peel and overspray roughness.
Flash-Off Control Solvent will improve flow and yield overall film smoothness. 
Flash-Off Control Solvent Use:
Add 3 to 5 ounces, Flash-OFF per gallon, to Mohawk air dry nitrocellulose, pre-catalyzed and post-catalyzed lacquer coatings. More Flash-Off may be added, up to10% by volume if needed, but that will increase dry time.
DO NOT add Flash Off Control to water base lacquers or conversion varnishes.
(NOT for use with Shellac)

About Lacquer Thinners

Avoid Overuse of Lacquer Thinner
Most lacquers come ready to spray. This includes Pre & Post Catalyzed, Air Dry, Instrument & Piano lacquers. If the spray gun is set properly, add Lacquer Thinner only as absolutely necessary to achieve a proper spray pattern. Adding more thinner does not help the flow-out or drying time.

Control lacquer flow-out with Flash-Off Control Solvent. If blushing is the problem, use a small percentage of blush retarder.

acquer solids generally are somewhere between 20% – 25% solids and formulated to be, Air Quality VOC’s (volatile organic compounds / smog pre-cursers), compliant as labeled. Adding thinner will result in a non-compliant coating. Excess thinner or reducer results in a thinner coat of finish,
thus requiring additional coats to achieve the required appearance and enough thickness to provide a protective coating.


Feb 112021 Wood Finish SupplyAn Authorized Mohawk Distributor

As of June 1st 2019 the H.Behlen Finishing Products
were transitioned
to the Mohawk Finishing label.

Not every product was included in the transition,
in that there are good Mohawk
equivalents for those items.

Many products are the exactly the SAME and others have an exact match in the Mohawk brand.

See our online catalog @

For information or questions,
Please Phone our support line: 707-391-4042


Jul 242019

Ultra Penetrating NGR DYE – JET BLACK
The beautiful deep JET BLACK Dye
(Behlen Formula)

is back in production and SHIPPING.

Available here: in Pints, Quarts, Gallons

Ultra® Penetrating NGR (Non Grain Raising) DYE. Excellent fade & UV resistance.
Intermix to arrive at custom colors.
Reduce color intensity with NGR Reducer, Acetone, or Shellac Solvent Denatured Alcohol.

    See: NGR (Non Grain Raising) Dye application & use information


Jun 302019

Aerosol Musts
Please Read: Get Top Results from your Aerosols

Storage for use: 65° F – 85° F.  – Store Out of the direct sun.

Shake Well before each use.

To Understand How Important shaking and clearing the tube is

For New Cans:
Shake Well 2 Minutes: especially Colored lacquers, Stains, Glazes,
Clear Aerosols; Semi-Gloss, Satin, Matt, Flatt, Dead Flatt

Mar 092019

DVD de retoque y reparación de madera
Wood Touch Up & Repair DVD

El sistema de entrenamiento iteractivo de
Mohawk está diseñado para entrenarlo a Ud.
a hacer retoques y arreglos sobre productos
de madera haciendo uso de las técnicas más
avanzadas que existen al respecto en esta industria.
Este video interactivo incluye instrucciones
sobre las siguientes áreas:
• El análisis del daño  • El relleno de los daños
• El reemplazo de colores 
• El reemplazo de las vetas
• La aplicación por puntos de um acabado

• El ajuste del brillo  • La eliminación de rayas
• El cuidado del acabado 
• …Y muchas más
“Este es un excelente DVD para el aprendizaje de reparaciones de acabado de madera”

Comprar el DVD

Mar 072019

Solving Common Wood Finishing Problems
(Recommended reading for all finishers)

Regardless of your finish of choice, water or solvent based, both modern and
traditional coatings require many of the same considerations for application success.

• Select a recommended finish to meet the project requirements.
•  Read The Directions.
Most finishes work best at around 72°F and a humidity of 4o% or less.

•  Follow the manufactuers guidelines.
Finish drying and curing depend on temperature, humidity and air flow.

So far there is Not a finish material
that says it will dry faster if you are in a hurry!

Creating a Fine Finish, by brush or spray, requires attention to many factors
including environment, finish material, selection of spray or brush equipment, and more.

Read through this entire document so you can spot finish problems
before or as they arise.

This self help problem solving guide identifies the source and the fix for many issues that can prevent the achievement of a perfect finish.