Aug 072023 Wood Finish Supply & MERIT Industries
Authorized Mohawk Distributor

2465 Second Street, Napa CA 94559
New Hours Monday – Thursday  9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Saturdays – by Appointment.

Please stop by our NEW Showroom when you’re in the Napa area.
Location Map 2465 2nd St. Napa
Location Access:
from Hwy 29: take the First Street exit
at the Roundabout,
RIGHT on California (One block) to 2465 Second
From Downtown Napa:
take 2nd St. west, one block past California to 2465

See:  Variety Listing
To: MOHAWK, H.BEHLEN & Select Finishing Materials
To: MERIT Industries products index

Feb 112021 Wood Finish SupplyAn Authorized Mohawk Distributor

As of June 1st 2019 the H.Behlen Finishing Products
were transitioned
to the Mohawk Finishing label.

Not every product was included in the transition,
in that there are good Mohawk
equivalents for those items.

Many products are the exactly the SAME and others have an exact match in the Mohawk brand.

See our online catalog @

For information or questions,
Please Phone our support line: 707-391-4042


Jun 302019

Aerosol Musts
Please Read: Get Top Results from your Aerosols

Storage for use: 65° F – 85° F.  – Store Out of the direct sun.

Shake Well before each use.

To Understand How Important shaking and clearing the tube is

For New Cans:
Shake Well 2 Minutes: especially Colored lacquers, Stains, Glazes,
Clear Aerosols; Semi-Gloss, Satin, Matt, Flatt, Dead Flatt

Mar 092019

DVD de retoque y reparación de madera
Wood Touch Up & Repair DVD

El sistema de entrenamiento iteractivo de
Mohawk está diseñado para entrenarlo a Ud.
a hacer retoques y arreglos sobre productos
de madera haciendo uso de las técnicas más
avanzadas que existen al respecto en esta industria.
Este video interactivo incluye instrucciones
sobre las siguientes áreas:
• El análisis del daño  • El relleno de los daños
• El reemplazo de colores 
• El reemplazo de las vetas
• La aplicación por puntos de um acabado

• El ajuste del brillo  • La eliminación de rayas
• El cuidado del acabado 
• …Y muchas más
“Este es un excelente DVD para el aprendizaje de reparaciones de acabado de madera”

Comprar el DVD

7 Questions about Shellac for Wood Finishing

 Product Data Sheets, Shellac Flakes, Wood Finishing Tricks  Comments Off on 7 Questions about Shellac for Wood Finishing
Dec 212018

1 – Q: Shellac is an old-fashioned, outdated finish.

A: No, Shellac is all natural, organic, child safe. Shellac has more modern features
and ‘green’ benefits
than any other wood finish in the world.

2 – Q: Shellac turns ugly and dark as it ages.

A: Shellac is naturally UV-resistant and does not yellow or darken with age.
The dark shellac seen in older homes is a less-refined version
that was naturally dark,
or was tinted by finishers when dark wood colors
were popular in the early 20th century.

3 – Q: Is shellac made from bugs or bug droppings?

A: No, Shellac is a resin secreted from the tree sap by the lac insect to form a cocoon,
much like a silk worm.
It takes about 100,000 lac bugs to make 1 lb. of shellac resin.

4 – Q: Does a shellac finish turn white when water touches it?

A: A properly applied shellac finish is remarkably water-resistant and, in most cases, will stay clear after hours of exposure to water, making it a great finish for most interior surfaces, including woodwork, trim, doors, cabinets, paneling, furniture, and for floors, Button Shellac (yes, floors!)

5 – Q: Is Shellac brittle or easily scratched?

A: Shellac is a tough, durable finish that is less brittle than lacquer and is not easily scratched. The process of making Button shellac yields a tougher resin. Unlike polyurethanes, a damaged shellac finish can be easily touched up or renewed
by brushing on another thin coat.

6 – Q: Is Shellac compatible with other finishes?

A: Shellac will adhere tenaciously when applied over almost any other type of clean,
wax free, and oil free finish.

(To assure a clean surface, especially on older grimy surfaces, use a wood cleaner like
Mohawk Wax Wash, to avoid possible stains or damage from water based cleaners.)

To seal wood before applying polyurethane or
other finishes,
Bulls Eye® SealCoat™ is a shellac-based
universal sanding sealer that is 100% wax-free.

For refurbishing a worn finish, a SealCoat makes an excellent transitional coating or bonding coat between an unknown coating and a new topcoat.
Note: (Regular shellac may not be compatible as a sealer under certain polyurethanes, as they contain small amounts of natural wax.)

7 – Q: Can I make a Shellac SealCoat?

A: Yes a ‘SealCoat’ is a DEWAXED Shellac Resin dissolved in
Mohawk Shellac Reducer / Behkol or a 190 Proof Denatured Alcohol.
With a wide color variety of Dewaxed Shellac Flakes, you can make your own
universal sanding sealer in a range of light to deep tones to match your project.


Nov 032018

Smooth Coat Lacquer

The New Name (says what it delivers) and with the same Great Features!
Aerosol now called Smooth Coat Lacquer (aka Waxing Lacquer)
A Hand Rubbed Feel and Look straight from the can.

Smooth Coat Lacquer has 3 attributes that make it one
of the best, if not the best, aerosol for applying a Final Topcoat finish
on small to medium-sized projects.

1.     The solids content are over 15%, well above the average aerosol.
As a result, Smooth Coat builds surprisingly quickly for an aerosol.

2.     A Fan spray head creates a wide spray pattern and delivers the lacquer at a high rate.
The Special Spray head and high solids facilitate a fast build, easy-to-apply finish.

3.     Smooth Coat contains a special wax formulation sheered into the lacquer.
Smooth Coat’s formulation allows the lacquer to flow, and level exceptionally well.

No actual rubbing is needed,
just the look and feel of a hand-rubbed and waxed finish.

Using Smooth Coat™
Smooth Coat
Aerosol Lacquer builds quickly and feels silky smooth.
The  additive dries as part of the finish resulting in a topcoat film, right out of the can,
that feels and looks like it has been hand-rubbed and wax polished.

Note: (Smooth Coat™ is intended as a Topcoat ONLY
Build the finish with a sealer coat and one or two applications of Gloss Lacquer
(for clarity and durability

More  Info & Smooth Coat Finishing Schedule

To: Aerosols Listing